1. Completed loan application

  2. Pay Stubs — Provide copies of the two most recent pay stubs for each borrower.

  3. W-2s — Provide two most recent W-2 forms for each borrower.

  4. Bank Statements — Provide copies of two (2) most recent bank statements, including checking, savings accounts and one (1) copy of your most recent retirement statement(s) — IRA, mutual funds, stock, etc.

  5. Self-Employed — Provide two years' tax returns, signed and dated; year-to-date profit and loss statement; and a balance sheet.

  6. Child Support Information:

    1. If using child support or maintenance as income, please provide the following:

      1. Copy of divorce decree;
      2. Evidence of twelve months receipt of payment;
      3. Name of recipient; and
      4. Name of the payor.
    2. If you are required to pay child support/maintenance:

      1. Copy of divorce decree;
      2. Be sure to include on the liabilities section of your loan application; and
      3. Name of recipient.
  7. Rental history — Please provide the last two (2) years of rental history and include information for each location rented:

    1. Address where rented;
    2. Landlord's name;
    3. Landlord's address; and
    4. Rental from ______ to ______ dates.
  8. Homeowner's insurance information:

    1. Provide your current homeowner's insurance company name;
    2. Homeowner's insurance company address; and
    3. Agent name and phone number.
  9. Current mortgage information:

    1. Mortgage company name;
    2. Company address;
    3. Company telephone number; and
    4. Account number.
  10. Payoff for 30 days after application.

  11. Any additional information that may be helpful.

For an appointment, call (573) 874-1477 Columbia or (573) 635-8007 Jefferson City or (800) 451-1477 (outside of Columbia or Jefferson City) or e-mail questions@missouricu.org